LG Chem builds a cathode material plant worth $3 billion in Tennessee, USA...Annual production capacity for 1.2 million pure electric vehicles
LG Chem builds a cathode material plant worth $3 billion in Tennessee, USA...Annual production capacity for 1.2 million pure electric vehicles
  • 민병권
  • 승인 2022.11.22 11:34
  • 댓글 0
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▶Construction starts in the first quarter of 2023, and mass production by the end of 2025
▶Increase the annual production capacity of 120,000 tons by 2027
▶2023년 1분기 착공 2025년 말 양산
▶2027년 연산 12만t 규모 확대
LG Chem builds a cathode material plant worth $3 billion in Tennessee, USA

LG Chem invests $3 billion to build the largest battery cathode material plant in the US. The annual production is 120,000 tons.

This allows the company plans to actively respond to changes in the global battery material market, such as the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

LG Chem plans to build a plant by investing more than $3 billion alone on a 1.7 million square meter site in Clarksville, Tennessee, and to secure an annual production capacity of 120,000 tons of cathode materials.

This is the level that can produce batteries for about 1.2 million high-performance pure electric vehicles per year, the largest in the United States. The Tennessee cathode material plant will start construction in the first quarter of next year and start mass production at the end of 2025. Afterward, the production line will be increased and expanded to 120,000 tons per year by 2027.

Construction starts in the first quarter of 2023, and mass production by the end of 2025

LG Chem expects to receive tax benefits from the US government through its Tennessee plant when the IRA takes effect.

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee said, “I am delighted that LG Chem is coming to Tennessee, and the investment of over $3 billion demonstrates that Tennessee is a leader in the electric vehicle industry." he said.

"We appreciate LG Chem's huge investment, and we look forward to building a successful partnership with LG Chem in the future," said Tennessee Secretary of Economic Development Stuart McHolter.

Vice Chairman Shin Hak-Cheol said, “The cathode material plant in Tennessee will become a key base for the next-generation battery material business as one of LG Chem’s future growth engines.” he said.

Meanwhile, the stock price of LG Chem is rising on the morning of the 22nd on the news that it will independently build a new battery cathode materials plant worth $3 billion in Tennessee, the US._by BK Min, KDFN 

■LG화학, 美 테네시주 4조 규모 양극재 공장 신설...연간 순수 전기차 120만대분 배터리 생산

LG화학은 22일 미국 테네시주 클락스빌에서 신학철 LG화학 부회장과 빌 리 테네시 주지사, 스튜어트 맥홀터 테네시주 경제개발부 장관 등이 참석한 가운데 테네시주와 양극재 공장 건설 업무협약(MOU) 체결식을 진행했다고 23일 밝혔다.

LG화학은 테네시주 클락스빌 170만여㎡ 부지에 30억 달러(약 4조원) 이상을 단독 투자해 공장을 짓고, 연간 12만t 규모의 양극재 생산 능력을 확보할 계획이다.

이는 연간 고성능 순수 전기차 약 120만대분의 배터리를 만들 수 있는 수준으로, 미국 내 최대 규모다. 테네시 양극재 공장은 내년 1분기에 착공해 2025년 말부터 양산에 들어간다. 이후 생산라인을 늘려나가 2027년까지 연산 12만t 규모로 확대할 예정이다.

LG화학은 미국 인플레이션 감축법(IRA)가 발효되면 테네시 공장을 통해 미국 정부로부터 세제 혜택을 받을 것으로 기대하고 있다.

민병권 기자 kdf@kdfnews.com


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