Samsung Electronics, Official Recognition of "Downloading Memory Production"…"Why Changed Position?"

2023-04-07     BK Min

Samsung Electronics has formalized a reduction in semiconductor production (production reduction). It is the first time that Samsung Electronics has officially acknowledged production cuts.

Samsung Electronics, which announced preliminary results for the first quarter on the 7th, said, "In addition to optimizing line operation for the future and increasing the proportion of engineering runs (trial production), we have lowered memory production to a meaningful level, focusing on products with additional availability."

In addition, "We have lowered the short-term production plan, but since we expect solid demand in the mid-to-long-term, we plan to increase the proportion of infrastructure investment to secure essential clean rooms and R&D investment to strengthen technological leadership."

Previously, in a conference call in the fourth quarter of last year, Samsung Electronics reaffirmed its position that there would be no artificial production cuts, saying, "This year's facility investment (CAPEX) will be at a similar level to the previous year."

This morning, Samsung Electronics announced preliminary results for the first quarter of 2023, with sales of 63 trillion won and an operating profit of 600 billion won on a consolidated basis in the first quarter. Compared to the previous quarter, sales and operating profit decreased by 10.59% and 86.08% in the first quarter. Compared to last year's period, sales decreased by 19%, and operating profit decreased by 95.75%.

Samsung Electronics said, "As for the continued sluggish IT demand, earnings deteriorated mainly in the parts division, and the company-wide performance declined significantly compared to the previous quarter." and "As the direction adjustment continued, earnings decreased significantly compared to the previous quarter."


The original article is as follows

■삼성전자 "메모리 생산량 하향 조정 중"…감산 공식 인정
삼성전자가 반도체 감산(생산량 감소)을 공식화했다. 삼성전자가 감산에 대해 공식 인정한 것은 이번이 처음이다.

1분기 잠정 실적을 발표한 삼성전자는 7일 "이미 진행 중인 미래를 위한 라인 운영 최적화와 시험 생산 비중 확대와 추가로 공급성이 확보된 제품 생산에 집중하기 위해 메모리 생산량을 의미 있는 수준까지 하향 조정 중"이라고 밝혔다.

삼성전자는 1분기 연결기준으로 매출 63조원, 영업이익 6000억원의 2023년 1분기 잠정 실적을 이날 오전 발표했다. 1분기 실적의 경우 전기 대비 매출은 10.59%, 영업이익은 86.08% 감소했다. 전년 동기 대비로 비교하면 매출은 19%, 영업이익은 95.75% 감소했다.

회사는 "IT 수요 부진 지속으로 부품 부문 위주로 실적이 악화되며 전사 실적이 전분기 보다 큰 폭으로 하락했다"며 "메모리는 매크로 상황과 고객 구매심리 둔화에 따른 수요 감소 및 다수 고객사의 재무 건전화 목적 재고 조정이 지속되면서 전분기 보다 실적이 큰 폭으로 감소했다"고 설명했다. 연합뉴스
