Joo-Wan Cho, President of LG Electronics, "Lead Your Boss & Reinvent LG Electronics"

2023-04-17     BK Min

Recently, Joo-Wan Cho, president of LG Electronics, held a 'CEO F·U·N Talk' for his team leaders at the LG Twin Towers in Yeouido, Seoul. CEO F·U·N Talk is a program created to communicate with members after President Cho took office, and this is the sixth time.

The theme of the day was 'Leadership' About 80% of team leader-level managers communicated online and offline, and a total of 4,000 people, including members interested in leadership, participated.

President Cho judged that the role and responsibility of the leader leading the team are essential to enhance the company's competitiveness further and innovate the organizational culture in an uncertain business environment.

Starting the CEO F·U·N Talk, President Cho said, "I came to an interview for a job and saw the LG Twin Tower in Yeouido, a smart building we just completed at the time, and I fell in love. and It didn't get out of my head," he said.

He continued, "I went through staff and fieldwork for the past 36 years and became CEO, and I will share my thoughts on leadership."

President Cho said, "A leader is a person who provides direction, prepares for the future, exerts influence, makes decisions, and moves the organization to create results." Explained.

In particular, he urged that a systematic process should be prepared for implementation that involves intense discussions, asking pointed questions, persistent follow-up, and clarifying responsibilities in each process.

President Cho also emphasized the importance of communication and organizational culture. He said, "Communication is a series of processes that reveal problems and solve them together." The essence of communication lies in transparency and sincerity. He added, "The shift in thinking that views problems within an organization as a treasure that can be solved rather than a headache creates a healthy organizational culture."

President Cho emphasized, "A leader who makes good decisions needs a sense of balance that reflects curiosity, learning, and outside opinions." In particular, insight into customer experience innovation comes from curiosity and constant learning. We can make a good decision only when there is a balance that considers external perspectives to avoid biased judgments.

He also ordered, "Let's become 'Brave Optimists' who create bold challenges and ceaseless innovation with the belief that the answer always lies with the customer, no matter how difficult it is." Let's not forget that we can decide our future accordingly."

After explaining leadership and the conditions that a good leader should have, President Cho exchanged questions and answers about the role and concerns of the team leader between executives and employees.

The audience asked him (after promoting a team leader), how to become an executive member. "There's something I've always said before," said Cho. "You can become an executive if you promote three bosses and have five juniors who sincerely follow you." He said, "If you have three seniors promoted, your competence is excellent, and if you have five juniors who sincerely follow you, it means you have leadership."

When asked about his experience of overcoming burnout, President Cho said, "I have experienced burnout as well." Before that, you must manage and release it yourself so that the stress does not build up to that extent."

The members who attended this day responded that they sympathized with the leadership lecture based on President Cho's experience. In particular, they responded remarkably to the contents of the course and words of sympathy, such as "Enhance yourself constantly and Lead your boss!

One team leader responded, "The CEO's lecture with real experience and honesty was more helpful than any other leadership lecture." "My heart was pounding at the thought of knowing. It was so good; it feels like healing and gives me more strength." Another team leader said, "From the sincere and deeply resonant lecture and the CEO's image of cherishing leaders, I thought I would become a leader who takes the lead in 'REINVENT LG Electronics' running."

At the end of the Q&A session, after receiving the team leaders' request for support, President Cho shouted, "Everyone fighting." 


The summary of this article in Korean is as follows.

■LG전자 조주완 사장, "LG전자의 미래, 리더가 성장해야 모두가 성장"

○방향제시와 미래준비, 영향력 갖춰 결정하고, 조직 움직여 성과 창출하는 리더상 제시
○리더쉽에 대한 해석→전략적 사고, 강한 실행력, 소통과 조직문화
○소통이란 투명성과 진정성이 있어야 문제를 드러내고 함께 해결해 나갈 수 있다
○좋은 결정을 내리는 리더는 호기심과 배움 그리고 외부의 의견까지 반영한 균형감이 필요하다
○탁월한 리더십 발휘 위해선 전략적 사고·실행력·소통 등 자질 필요
○팀장에서 승진해 임원이 되는 방법→"3명의 상사를 진급시키고 진심으로 따르는 5명의 후배를 갖게 된다면 임원이 될 수 있을 것"
○번 아웃을 극복한 경험→"업무로든, 함께 일하는 사람과든, 극복하고 풀 수 있는 방법을 찾아야 한다. 그 보다 앞서 그렇게까지 스트레스가 쌓이지 않도록 스스로 관리하고 풀어내야 할 것" 강조


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