Samsung Electronics, Unveiling Samsung Health Stack 1.0..."Promoting Digital Healthcare Market Preoccupation?"

2023-04-18     BK Min

On the 18th, Samsung Electronics announced Samsung Health Stack 1.0, a breakthrough in digital health research, at the annual conference and exhibition of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2023, held from April 17 to 21 in Chicago.

Developed by Samsung Research and Samsung Research America, the Samsung Health Stack is an all-in-one open-source project that aids digital health research by enabling researchers to quickly build apps, backend servers, and analysis tools for wearable devices based on the Android and Wear OS operating systems.

Advancements in smartphones and wearables have the potential to revolutionize healthcare research and the development of data-based biomarkers. However, utilizing these devices for research often requires new mobile health apps and services. It requires medical researchers to invest significant amounts of time and money in fields that may be unfamiliar to them, creating obstacles to the expansion of innovative technologies.

Samsung developed the Samsung Health Stack to help overcome those obstacles. The project included App SDK, web portal, and backend system to simplify system construction, enabling researchers to focus on their research. Developers can build necessary applications quickly and easily, while participants can rest assured that their data is managed securely.

"The Samsung Health Stack, which aims to make it easier and safer to acquire digital health data, will lower the barriers between medical researchers and digital technology experts, serving as a foundation for innovation in the digital health industry," said Yunsu Lee, Vice President and Head of Data Intelligence Team at Samsung Electronics. "By promoting the development of digital health services, we hope to improve the quality of life for people worldwide ultimately. We also hope that the Samsung Health Stack, being an open-source project, will be helpful to many people in the field, and we welcome the participation of interested developers and researchers."

When conducting studies with wearables on conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, the Samsung Health Stack allows researchers to simplify the data collection process by entering only relevant information into the web portal.

Applications developed with the App SDK can support frequent communication between researchers and participants, leading to better research outcomes. Making the process faster can enable researchers to take on more varied and proactive healthcare projects, helping to create an environment where consumers can enjoy a healthier life.

Since unveiling an alpha version at the 2022 Samsung Developer Conference (SDC), Samsung has steadily advanced the Samsung Health Stack, releasing the beta version in March of this year. HIMSS 2023 attendees can preview version 1.0. The official opening of Samsung Health Stack is in June.

Samsung Health Stack 1.0 improves on the alpha version's research introduction, participant onboarding, wearable data collection, and essential survey functions. Samsung Health Stack enhances security and stability for reliability in actual healthcare research. In addition to supporting primary data collection, Samsung Health Stack 1.0 offers an activity task feature that tracks clinical participants' progress on specific research-related tasks. The survey feature, which enables researchers to acquire data directly from participants, has also been enhanced with a dynamic survey function that can reflect the purpose of the research and researchers' intentions based on participants' responses, enabling follow-up actions to be taken afterward.

By enhancing the usability of research management tools, Samsung Health Stack 1.0 enables researchers to focus more on research design. It also provides several methods to offer participants relevant information to minimize delays. 

Visitors to Samsung's booth at HIMSS 2023 can experience the Samsung Health Stack's new features through a mobile app created using the App SDK. They can also share the process of conducting healthcare research and collecting data with wearables using the mobile app, integrated wearable devices, and web portal. Researchers who contributed to the Samsung Health Stack's development will be at the booth to explain the utilization methods and technical details.

Although it is still in the early stages of an open-source project, many healthcare companies are considering utilizing the Samsung Health Stack. Startups such as SALTED4 and All Round Doctors5 are collecting data for research purposes and have considered using that data to provide healthcare services. Various medical industries expect they can use the Samsung Health Stack.


The summary of this article in Korean is as follows.

■삼성전자, ‘삼성 헬스 스택’ 공개..."디지털 헬스케어 시장 선점할까?"

삼성전자는 미국 시카고 ‘2023 HIMSS 글로벌 헬스 컨퍼런스 & 전시회(Global Health Conference & Exhibition)’에 참가해 ‘삼성 헬스 스택(Samsung Health Stack)’을 공개했다고 18일 밝혔다. 

17일부터 21일까지 열리는 이 행사는 ‘미국 보건의료 정보관리시스템협회(HIMSS, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society)’가 주관하는 헬스케어 기술 행사로 1000여 개 기업, 3만여 명이 참가했다.

삼성전자가 처음 공개한 ‘삼성 헬스 스택’ 1.0 버전은 안드로이드 OS 기반 웨어러블 기기를 활용해 디지털 헬스 기술 연구개발(R&D)을 지원하는 프로젝트다.

삼성전자는 헬스 스택을 활용한 모바일 앱과 연구 관리 도구들을 미리 체험해 볼 수 있도록 전시 부스를 마련했다. 정식 공개는 6월 예정이다.  

웨어러블 기기를 활용한 디지털 헬스케어를 개발하는 기업이나 기관이라면 누구나 이용 가능하다. 

삼성전자 관계자는 "디지털 헬스 케어 관련 솔루션 개발과 생체지표 연구 등에 ‘삼성 헬스 스택’을 활용할 수 있다"고 말했다. 

최근 모바일 기술의 발전으로 스마트폰과 웨어러블 기기를 활용한 헬스케어 연구가 활발해졌다. 하지만, 디지털 헬스 관련 앱이나 솔루션 개발은 초기 비용과 시간이 많이 소요되는 등 R&D 장벽이 매우 높다. 

삼성 헬스 스택을 활용하면 소프트웨어 개발 키트(SDK, Software Development Kit)가 기능별 모듈화가 돼 있어 관련 비용과 시간을 줄일 수 있다.

개발을 담당한 이윤수 팀장은 “앞으로 삼성 헬스 스택을 활용한 협업을 확대해 글로벌 디지털 헬스 생태계 확장에 기여할 것”이라며, “관련 분야의 개발자들이 삼성 헬스 스택을 많이 활용하기를 바란다”고 말했다.


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