LG Electronics ThinQ™ "Control Samsung Bespoke"...Driving Interoperability with Global Home Appliance Companies
LG Electronics ThinQ™ "Control Samsung Bespoke"...Driving Interoperability with Global Home Appliance Companies
  • BK Min, 박주범
  • 승인 2023.08.29 15:33
  • 댓글 0
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LG Electronics(LG) leads in expanding the smart home ecosystem through the smart home platform LG ThinQ™. It promotes mutual interlocking with global home appliance companies such as Samsung Electronics and Turkey's Bestel.

LG is cooperating with Samsung Electronics to link the home appliances of the two companies this year. The company plans to expand its target market gradually, starting with main products such as washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers in major global markets such as Korea, the U.S., and Europe.

There is no need to go back and forth between LG ThinQ™ and Samsung SmartThings to control LG washing machines and Samsung Electronics dishwashers. Registering in advance lets consumers control intelligent Electronics Samsung appliances with LG ThinQ™.

The widespread adoption of the Home Connectivity Alliance’s HCA Specification 1.0 to development makes monitoring and controlling various brands' home appliances and air solutions possible using a single application.

LG has joined other brands to bring the elegant simplicity of cross-brand compatibility to major markets worldwide, including South Korea, the United States, and Europe.

The HCA aims to provide cloud-based interoperability between the smart home platforms of its member companies. As a board member of the alliance, LG has been working closely with other appliance makers, including Samsung and Vestel, to drive the adoption of HCA Specification 1.0 to enhance user convenience.

It plans to expand cooperation with home appliances to Samsung Electronics and all HCA member companies in the future. It has also decided to hold full-fledged discussions on linking home appliances with Bestel, a Turkish home appliance company.

Established in January 2022, HCA has significant home appliances and air conditioning companies as members and was formed to interconnect smart home platforms operated by each member company on the cloud.

LG Electronics, the chairperson of HCA, is leading the commercialization of HCA standard 1.0 to improve customer convenience and provide a more innovative smart home life as a leading global home appliance company.

"We will provide a new smart home experience to more customers by expanding the barrier-free home appliance ecosystem through the smart home platform LG  ThinQ™" said Vice President Jung Ki-Hyeon of LG Electronics.

By_BK Min, KDFN kdf@kdfnews.com

The summary of this article in Korean is as follows

■LG전자 씽큐, 삼성 비스포크 제어한다...글로벌 가전기업 상호연동 추진

LG전자가 스마트홈 플랫폼 LG 씽큐(ThinQ)를 통한 스마트홈 생태계 확장에 앞장선다. 삼성전자를 비롯해 터키 베스텔 등 글로벌 가전 기업과 상호 연동을 추진하면서다.

LG전자는 삼성전자와 연내 양사 가전 연동을 목표로 협력을 진행하고 있다. 한국·미국·유럽 등 글로벌 주요 시장에서 세탁기, 건조기, 식기세척기 등 주력 제품군을 시작으로 점차 대상을 확대해 나갈 예정이다.

LG전자의 세탁기, 삼성전자의 식기세척기를 제어하기 위해 LG 씽큐와 삼성 스마트싱스를 왔다 갔다 할 필요 없이, 사전에 등록만 해 놓으면 LG 씽큐로 삼성전자 스마트 가전을 제어할 수 있게 된다.

이는 스마트홈 플랫폼 협의체 HCA(Home Connectivity Alliance)가 올해 CES 2023에서 선보인 HCA 표준 1.0을 상용화하는 첫 번째 성과다.

향후 삼성전자뿐 아니라 HCA 회원사 전반으로 가전 연동 협력을 확대한다는 계획이다. 터키 가전업체 베스텔과도 가전 연동에 대한 본격적인 논의를 진행하기로 했다.

2022년 1월 설립된 HCA는 주요 가전 및 공조 업체를 회원사로 두고, 각 회원사가 운영하는 스마트홈 플랫폼을 클라우드 상에서 상호 연동하는 것을 목표로 결성됐다.

HCA 의장사인 LG전자는 글로벌 가전 선도 기업으로서 고객의 생활 편의를 제고하고, 보다 혁신적인 스마트홈 생활을 제공하기 위해 HCA 표준 1.0 상용화를 주도하고 있다.

LG전자 정기현 부사장은 “스마트홈 플랫폼 LG씽큐를 통해 장벽 없는 가전 생태계를 확장해 더 많은 고객에게 새로운 스마트홈 경험을 제공하겠다”고 말했다.

박주범 기자 kdf@kdfnews.com


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