Daewoong Pharmaceutical “Don’t Think Much Will Change”...Under Re-investigation of ‘Medytox Botox Stealing Suspicion’
Daewoong Pharmaceutical “Don’t Think Much Will Change”...Under Re-investigation of ‘Medytox Botox Stealing Suspicion’
  • BK Min
  • 승인 2023.06.30 15:30
  • 댓글 0
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The prosecution has launched a re-investigation of Daewoong Pharmaceutical, suspected of stealing technology related to botulinum toxin (botox) from a competitor.

According to the legal community, on the 28th, the Seoul Public Prosecutors' Office ordered a re-investigation on the 22nd for alleged violations of the Industrial Technology Protection Act by Daewoong Pharmaceutical. A re-investigation order instructs a re-investigation when a higher prosecutor’s office receives an appeal or a re-appeal and determines defective parts in the investigation.

In this case, the 12th Criminal Division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office was dismissed as innocent in February of last year, but according to the decision of the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office, the successor Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office’s Information Technology Crime Investigation Department took charge of the investigation.

An official from Daewoong Pharmaceutical told Korea Duty-Free News on the 29th, “The previous dismissal of the charges was the conclusion reached after extensive investigations, including seizure and search, and nothing will change.” “We will actively respond to the investigation.”

Previously, Medytox sued Daewoong Pharmaceutical Corporation and others for stealing botulinum strain technology from a former researcher who worked for the company by signing an advisory contract with Daewoong Pharmaceutical, and Daewoong Pharmaceutical subsequently announced the technology as if it had been developed by itself.

In February of last year, the 12th Criminal Division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office issued an acquittal of Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s corporation and its executives and employees. In addition, the case was concluded with no right to prosecute for some technology leakage and business breach of trust that had passed the statute of limitations. It is acknowledged that the two companies products are based on original technology, but it is difficult to admit that information unique to Medytox was leaked.

Medytox made an appeal against the judgment in March of the same year.

By_BK Min, KDFN kdf@kdfneews.com

This Article in Korean is as follows.

■'메디톡스 보톡스 탈취 의혹' 재수사 받는 대웅제약 "바뀔 것 없다"

검찰이 경쟁사의 보툴리눔톡신(보톡스) 관련 기술을 빼돌렸다는 의혹을 받는 대웅제약의 재수사에 나섰다.

28일 법조계에 따르면 서울고검은 지난 22일 대웅제약의 산업기술보호법 위반 등 혐의 사건에 대해 재기수사 명령을 내렸다. 재기수사 명령은 상급 검찰청이 항고나 재항고를 받아 수사에 미흡한 부분이 있다고 판단할 경우 재수사를 지시하는 절차다.

이 사건은 서울중앙지검 형사12부가 지난해 2월 무혐의 처분한 것인데 서울고검 결정에 따라 다시 그 후신인 서울중앙지검 정보기술범죄수사부가 수사를 맡게 됐다.

대웅제약 관계자는 29일 한국면세뉴스에 "기존 무혐의 불기소처분은 압수수색 포함 광범위한 수사 끝에 내린 결론이었고, 바뀔 것은 없다"며 "수사에 적극 대응하겠다"고 했다.

앞서 메디톡스는 자사에서 근무했던 전직 연구원이 대웅제약과 자문 계약을 맺는 방식으로 보툴리눔 균주 기술을 빼돌렸고, 뒤이어 대웅제약이 해당 기술을 마치 자신들이 개발한 것처럼 발표했다며 대웅제약 법인 등을 검찰에 고소했다.

서울중앙지검 형사12부는 지난해 2월 대웅제약 법인과 임직원 등에 대해 혐의없음 처분을 내렸다. 또 공소시효가 지난 일부 기술유출과 업무상 배임 혐의에 대해서는 공소권 없음으로 사건을 마무리했다. 두 회사 제품이 원천 기술에 바탕을 둔 점은 인정되지만 메디톡스 고유의 정보가 유출됐다는 점을 인정하기 어렵다는 이유에서다.

이에 메디톡스 측은 같은해 3월 항고했다.

김상록 기자 kdf@kdfnews.com


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